Japonska policija opozarja na goljufije, ki ciljajo na državljane Kitajske / The Japanese police warns about frauds which are targeting citizens of China
Japonska policija opozarja, da so v porastu goljufije, ki ciljajo na državljane Kitajske, ki živijo na Japonskem.
Če ste kitajski državljan in prejmete klic od oseb z Veleposlaništva Kitajske ali s Kitajskega varnostnega urada, ki od vas zahtevajo denar prosimo, da ravnate samozaščitno:
The Japanese police warns about the increase of fraud crimes that target the Chinese citizens who are living in Japan.
If you are a Chinese citizen and you receive a call from persons claiming to be from the Embassy of China or the Chinese Public Security Bureau and they demand the money from you, please behave in a self-protective way:
Če ste kitajski državljan in prejmete klic od oseb z Veleposlaništva Kitajske ali s Kitajskega varnostnega urada, ki od vas zahtevajo denar prosimo, da ravnate samozaščitno:
- Prekinite klic in kontaktirajete svojo družino!
- Ne odgovarjajte na neznane telefonske številke!
- V kolikor ste prejeli zgoraj opisani klic, se posvetujete z bližnjimi osebami ali policijo!
The Japanese police warns about the increase of fraud crimes that target the Chinese citizens who are living in Japan.
If you are a Chinese citizen and you receive a call from persons claiming to be from the Embassy of China or the Chinese Public Security Bureau and they demand the money from you, please behave in a self-protective way:
- Hang up the phone and contact your family!
- Try not to answer calls from unknown numbers!
- If you receive a call like this, consult with someone close to you or the police!