Sprejem ob cesarjevem rojstnem dnevu(15. februar 2024)
Veleposlanica Yoshida je 15. februarja gostila sprejem ob cesarjevem rojstnem dnevu v Grand hotelu Union. Sprejema se je udeležilo več kot 300 ljudi, med njimi tudi minister za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj dr. Jevšek, nekdanji predsednik vlade dr. Cerar, predsednik poslanske Skupine prijateljstva z Japonsko g. Stojanović, predstavniki slovenske vlade in parlamenta, diplomatski zbor, gospodarstveniki ter člani izobraževalnih in kulturnih skupnosti.
Na slovesnosti je japonska sopranistka zapela himni obeh držav, sledil pa je nagovor veleposlanice Yoshida. Poleg tega so na prizorišču stregli japonsko hrano, zlasti suši in ajdove rezance, japonski instrumentalistki pa sta zaigrali na japonsko glasbilo koto. S stojnico se je predstavila mestna občina Slovenj Gradec, ki je pobratena z mestom Myoko na Japonskem, hkrati pa so japonska podjetja v Sloveniji predstavila svoje izdelke. Udeleženci so uživali v japonski kulinariki, kulturi in tehnologiji ter imeli dobro priložnost za obnovitev starih prijateljstev.
On 15 February, Ambassador Yoshida hosted the Emperor's Birthday Celebration Reception at the Grand Hotel Union. The reception was attended by more than 300 people, including Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development dr. Jevšek, former Prime Minister CERAR, President of Parliamentary Friendship Group with Japan Mr. Stojanovic, Slovenian government and parliament officials, local diplomatic corps, business people, and members of the educational and cultural communities.
At the ceremony, a Japanese soprano singer sang the national anthems of both countries, followed by a speech by Ambassador Yoshida. In addition, Japanese food such as sushi and soba noodles were served at the venue, Japanese koto players gave the koto performance, and booths were set up to introduce the city of Sloven Gradets which is sister city with Myoko in Japan and the products of Japanese companies. Participants enjoyed Japanese food, culture and technology and had a good opportunity to renew old friendships.
Na slovesnosti je japonska sopranistka zapela himni obeh držav, sledil pa je nagovor veleposlanice Yoshida. Poleg tega so na prizorišču stregli japonsko hrano, zlasti suši in ajdove rezance, japonski instrumentalistki pa sta zaigrali na japonsko glasbilo koto. S stojnico se je predstavila mestna občina Slovenj Gradec, ki je pobratena z mestom Myoko na Japonskem, hkrati pa so japonska podjetja v Sloveniji predstavila svoje izdelke. Udeleženci so uživali v japonski kulinariki, kulturi in tehnologiji ter imeli dobro priložnost za obnovitev starih prijateljstev.
On 15 February, Ambassador Yoshida hosted the Emperor's Birthday Celebration Reception at the Grand Hotel Union. The reception was attended by more than 300 people, including Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development dr. Jevšek, former Prime Minister CERAR, President of Parliamentary Friendship Group with Japan Mr. Stojanovic, Slovenian government and parliament officials, local diplomatic corps, business people, and members of the educational and cultural communities.
At the ceremony, a Japanese soprano singer sang the national anthems of both countries, followed by a speech by Ambassador Yoshida. In addition, Japanese food such as sushi and soba noodles were served at the venue, Japanese koto players gave the koto performance, and booths were set up to introduce the city of Sloven Gradets which is sister city with Myoko in Japan and the products of Japanese companies. Participants enjoyed Japanese food, culture and technology and had a good opportunity to renew old friendships.