Praznik češenj v Murski Soboti!(23. marec 2024)
V soboto, 23. marca, je v EXPANO (večnamenski objekt) v Murski Soboti potekal 2. praznik češenj.
Češnje, posajene v parku EXPANO, so bile podarjene mestu Murska Sobota v spomin na olimpijske in paraolimpijske igre v Tokiu 2022 (2021) ter ob 30. obletnici vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov med Japonsko in Slovenijo.
Na ta dan so župan Damjan Anželj, Yukio Mori predsednik podjetja Zaria, ki je častni meščan mesta in je tudi podaril češnjeve sadike, Keiko Mori, predstavniška direktorica podjetja Zaria, ter Takashi Aoki, namestnik veleposlanice, zasadili že 32. drevo češnje.
Udeleženci so pod cvetočimi češnjami uživali v japonski spomladanski tradiciji »gledanja češnjevih cvetov«.
On Saturday, March 23rd, the 2nd Cherry Blossom Festival was held at EXPANO (multipurpose facility) in Murska Sobota City.
The cherry trees planted in EXPANO's park were donated to the city of Murska Sobota in commemoration of the 2022 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games (2021) and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Slovenia.
On the day, Mayor Damjan Anželj, Chairman Yukio Mori of Zaria Co., Ltd., who is also an honorary citizen of the city who received the cherry blossoms, and Keiko Mori, Representative Director, and Takashi Aoki, Vice President of the Embassy, attended and planted the 32nd new cherry tree.
The participants enjoyed »cherry blossom viewing«, a Japanese spring tradition, under the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
Češnje, posajene v parku EXPANO, so bile podarjene mestu Murska Sobota v spomin na olimpijske in paraolimpijske igre v Tokiu 2022 (2021) ter ob 30. obletnici vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov med Japonsko in Slovenijo.
Na ta dan so župan Damjan Anželj, Yukio Mori predsednik podjetja Zaria, ki je častni meščan mesta in je tudi podaril češnjeve sadike, Keiko Mori, predstavniška direktorica podjetja Zaria, ter Takashi Aoki, namestnik veleposlanice, zasadili že 32. drevo češnje.
Udeleženci so pod cvetočimi češnjami uživali v japonski spomladanski tradiciji »gledanja češnjevih cvetov«.
On Saturday, March 23rd, the 2nd Cherry Blossom Festival was held at EXPANO (multipurpose facility) in Murska Sobota City.
The cherry trees planted in EXPANO's park were donated to the city of Murska Sobota in commemoration of the 2022 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games (2021) and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Slovenia.
On the day, Mayor Damjan Anželj, Chairman Yukio Mori of Zaria Co., Ltd., who is also an honorary citizen of the city who received the cherry blossoms, and Keiko Mori, Representative Director, and Takashi Aoki, Vice President of the Embassy, attended and planted the 32nd new cherry tree.
The participants enjoyed »cherry blossom viewing«, a Japanese spring tradition, under the cherry blossoms in full bloom.