Festival Hanami na Univerzi v Ljubljani (18. april. 2024)
V četrtek, 18. aprila, je na Biotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani potekal festival Hanami.
Češnje, ki jih je podarila Univerza Yamanashi, so bile posajene v spomin na 30. obletnico vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov, ter v spomin na olimpijske in paraolimpijske igre v Tokiu leta 2022 (2021).
Po nagovorih dekanje dr. Marine Pintar z Biotehniške fakultete, ki je skrbnica češnjevih cvetov, in veleposlanice Yoshide, so profesorji univerze predavali o japonskih drevesih, vrtovih in bento (v škatlo zapakiran obrok).
Na prizorišču so študenti Japonologije Oddelka za azijske študije na Filozofski fakulteti izvedli delavnice origamija in kaligrafije, medtem ko je veleposlaništvo predstavilo japonsko kulturo na temo hanami (ogledovanje češnjevega cveta).
On Thursday, April 18, the Hanami Festival took place at the Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana.
The cherry trees, donated by Yamanashi University, were planted to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and to celebrate the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2022 (2021).
After opening remarks by Marina Pintar, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, who is the custodian of the cherry blossoms, and Ambassador Yoshida, the university professors gave lectures on Japanese trees, gardens and bento (a boxed meal).
At the venue, students of Japanese Studies from the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Arts conducted origami and calligraphy workshops, while the Embassy presented Japanese culture on the theme of hanami (cherry blossom viewing).
Češnje, ki jih je podarila Univerza Yamanashi, so bile posajene v spomin na 30. obletnico vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov, ter v spomin na olimpijske in paraolimpijske igre v Tokiu leta 2022 (2021).
Po nagovorih dekanje dr. Marine Pintar z Biotehniške fakultete, ki je skrbnica češnjevih cvetov, in veleposlanice Yoshide, so profesorji univerze predavali o japonskih drevesih, vrtovih in bento (v škatlo zapakiran obrok).
Na prizorišču so študenti Japonologije Oddelka za azijske študije na Filozofski fakulteti izvedli delavnice origamija in kaligrafije, medtem ko je veleposlaništvo predstavilo japonsko kulturo na temo hanami (ogledovanje češnjevega cveta).
On Thursday, April 18, the Hanami Festival took place at the Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana.
The cherry trees, donated by Yamanashi University, were planted to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and to celebrate the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2022 (2021).
After opening remarks by Marina Pintar, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, who is the custodian of the cherry blossoms, and Ambassador Yoshida, the university professors gave lectures on Japanese trees, gardens and bento (a boxed meal).
At the venue, students of Japanese Studies from the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Arts conducted origami and calligraphy workshops, while the Embassy presented Japanese culture on the theme of hanami (cherry blossom viewing).